
Lyk goed, voel goed… Doen Goed!

Look good, feel good…Do Good!

Ons klerewinkel hou voorraad aan.  Slegs die beste kwaliteit uniform word verskaf vir leerders se gerief asook ouers se sak.

Our clothing store keeps stock. Only the best quality uniform is provided for learners ‘comfort as well as parents’ pockets.

Dogters uniform items in voorraad:

Grys langbroeke, wit kortmouhemde, truie, oortrektruie, dasse, kouse, serpe, rompies, sportdrag en VLR-drag.

Girls uniform items in stock:

Gray trousers, white shorts,  sweaters, pullovers, ties, socks, scarves, skirts, sportswear and RCL wear.


Seuns uniform items in voorraad:

Grys langbroeke, khaki kortbroeke, khaki kortmouhemde, truie, oortrektruie, dasse, kouse, serpe, grys kortbroeke, sportdrag en VLR-drag.

Boys uniform items in stock:

Gray trousers, white shorts, khaki shorts, khaki shorts, sweaters, pullovers, ties, socks, scarves, gray shorts, sportswear and RCL wear.



Get second hand school uniforms at the “Clothing Bank”

Complete the form & we will check in the “Clothing-Bank” for used School Uniform items.

We can unfortunately NOT guarantee that the required items are available.


Kry gebruikte skooldrag by die “Klere-Bank”

Vul die vorm in en ons sal kyk na die gebruikte skooldrag-items in die “Klere-Bank”.

Ons kan ongelukkig NIE waarborg dat die benodigde artikels beskikbaar is nie.